we got fandom + the list of all the things will be added in v5 (fr this time)

hey all here with an new update with the fandom of space destroyers is up and the list of the update's content yet


-change points number(finished)

-make controller support

-add background animation at menu

-make levels

-make endless

-change controlls(prob. never)

-fix more shit

-make saves

-add diffrent song to menu, shop, and game(finished)

-create mobile support

-create ship customize menu

-create patreon supporters menu

-create help menu

-create options/settings

pretty neat huh if there will be new stuff ofc. I will update it but with an new post as for the fandom page I will work prob. work at it later this week just some lore shit that I will reveal maybe later idrk

ty all and cya in the next update

Get Space Destroyers

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